Whistle Blowing Policy

December 28, 2023

FOZ One Board of Directors wishes to provide all directors, management staff and employees of FOZ One and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) with mechanisms for employees and other interested parties to confidentially bring to the attention of the Board of Directors any concerns related to matters covered by the Group Policies and Procedures.


This policy is designed to facilitate employees to disclose any improper conduct (misconduct or criminal offence) through internal channel. Such misconduct or criminal offences include the following:

  1. Fraud;
  2. Bribery;
  3. Abuse of Power;
  4. Conflict of Interest;
  5. Theft or embezzlement;
  6. Misuse of Company’s Property; and
  7. Non-Compliance with Procedure

The above list is not exhaustive and includes any act or omissions, which if proven, will constitute an act of misconduct under FOZ One Policies and Procedures or any criminal offence under relevant legislations in force. This policy is for the employees to raise the matters in an independent and unbiased manner. Employees are not required to prove the cases but rather to provide sufficient information for the management to take appropriate steps.


A whistleblower will be accorded with protection of confidentiality of identity, to the extent reasonably practicable. Whistleblower will also be protected against any adverse and detrimental actions for disclosing any improper conduct committed or about to be committed within the Group, to the extent reasonably practicable, provided that the disclosure is made in good faith.

Such protection is accorded even if the investigation later reveals that the whistleblower is mistaken as to the facts and the rules and procedures involved.

Any attempt to retaliate, victimize or intimidate against anyone (whistle-blower) making report in good faith is a serious violation of the Code and shall be dealt with serious disciplinary actions and procedures.

Any anonymous disclosure will not be entertained. However, the Group reserves its right to investigate into any anonymous disclosure.


This Policy is administered by FOZ One Internal Audit Department and overseen by the Executive Director. Employees and other interested parties are able to report their concerns related to matters covered by the Group’s Policy and Procedure to any of the following contact persons:

  1. Executive Chairman Office
  2. Executive Director
    Name: Mr. Ng Seong Mor
  3. Head of Internal Audit
    Name: Mr. Tong Hoe Ming