The FOZ One Ethical and Environmental Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) sets out the minimum standards that FOZ One expects itself, and all its suppliers and their subcontractors to meet (“Suppliers”).

Safety & Health Policy

FOZ Group of Companies is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment and maintaining a system of occupational safety and health management that is orderly, effective in accordance with the relevant laws.


FOZ Group of Companies is committed to conducting our operation in a commercially reasonable manner that protects the environment, making prudent efforts to reduce or prevent pollution from our operations through the continual identification of environmental risks

CSER Ethical and Environmental

FOZ Group of Companies is responsible for ensuring that our commitment as detailed in this Statement is reviewed and revised on a regular basis to reflect current sustainability requirements and expectations. In support of this goal, we are committed to following the “SUPPLIER ETHICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CODE OF CONDUCT” and also require its suppliers to […]

Whistle Blowing Policy

FOZ One Whistle Blowing Policy is a mechanism for employees and other interested parties to confidentially bring to the attention of the Board of Directors any concerns related to matters covered by the Group Policies and Procedures.

Ethical Framework

FOZ Group of Companies is committed to operating its business with ethics, integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Dealing honestly and fairly with others and doing our best to make the right choices will help us achieve our business goals and maintain a great working environment. We will constantly improve the […]